CAL Bibliography output

CAL Bibliography for Literature


Chabot, J.-B., , Les langues et les littératures araméennes. Paris: Geuthner, 1910. LangGen Literature

Offord, J., "The Warning Writing on the Wall of Belshazzar's Banquet." PEFQS 48 (1916): 196–201. Literature

Morris, W.D., "Mene, mene, tekel upharsin (Dan 5:25)." ET 35 (1924): . Literature

Taylor, W.R., "Modern Criticism and the Book of Daniel." Canadian Journal of Religious Thought 6 (1928): 426–37. Literature BADan

Gevirtz, S., "West-Semitic Curses and the Problem of the Origins of Hebrew Law." VT 11 (1961): 137–158. Literature Sf Zak Teima GozBdSt Kesecek LydBil Curses

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Scripture and Inscription: The Literary and Rhetorical Element in Some Early Phoenician Inscriptions." Pp. 253–68 In Near Eastern Studies in Honor of William Foxwell Albright. Goedicke, H., ed. Baltimore: John Hopkins Univ. Press, 1971b. TADA2.4 ClGan.70 Literature

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Early Aramaic Poetry." JANES (M. M. Bravmann Memorial Volume) 11 (1979): 45–51. Literature 1QapGen

Haag, E., Die Errettung Daniels aus der Lowengrube: Untersuchungen zum Ursprung der biblischen Danieltradition. Stuttgarter Bibelstudien 100. Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1983. Literature

Homerski, J., "Syn czlowieczy w wizji proroka Daniela (Dn 7, 13-14)." Riczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne 32 (1985): 47–62. Literature

Segert, S., "Preliminary Notes on the Structure of the Aramaic Poems in the Papyrus Amherst 63." UF 18 (1986): 271–99. PapAmherst Literature

Younger, K. Lawson, "Panammuwa and Bar-Rakib: Two Structural Analyses." JANES 18 (1986): 91–103. Pan BarRak.1 Literature

Albertz, R., Der Gott des Daniel. SBS 131. Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1988. Literature

Walton, J.H., "The Decree of Darius the Mede in Daniel 6." JETS 31 (1988): 279–86. Literature History

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Idiomatic Ancient Aramaic." Pp. 47–51 In To Touch the Text: Biblical Studies in Honor of Joseph A.Fitzmyer, S. J.. Horgan, M.P. and Kobelski, P.J., ed. New York: Crossroad, 1989. Literature

Soesilo, D., "Belshazzar's Scales: Towards Achieving a Balanced Translation of Daniel 5." BT 40 (1989): 426–32. Literature

Stefanovic, Zdravko, "Thematic Links between the Historical and Prophetic Sections of Daniel." AUSS 27 (1989): 121–27. Literature

Hillers, D.R., "Rite: Ceremonies of Law and Treaty in the Ancient Near East." Pp. 351–64 In Religion and Law: Biblical-Judaic and Islamic Perspectives. Firmage, E.B., et al., ed. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1990. Law Elephantine Literature

Soesilo, D., "Translating the Poetic Sections of Daniel 1-6." BT 41 (1990): 432–35. Literature

Kratz, R.G., Translatio Imperii: Untersuchungen zu den aramäischen Danielerzählungen und ihrem theologiegeschichtlichen Umfeld. WMANT 63. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 1991. Literature

Kottsieper, Ingo, "Die literarische Aufnahme assyrischer Begebenheiten in frühen aramäischen Texten," in Charpin, D. and Joannès, F., La Circulation des biens, des personnes et des idées dans le proche-orient ancien, Actes de la XXXXVIIIeRencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Paris, 8-10 juillet 1991) . Paris: , 1992. Pp. 283–89. Literature

Steiner, Richard C., "Meaninglessness, Meaningfulness, and Super-meaningfulness in Scripture: An Analysis of the Controversy Surrounding Dan 2:12 in the Middle Ages." JQR n.s. 82 (1992): 431–49. Literature

Fröhlich, I., "Daniel 2 and Deutero-Isaiah," in van der Woude, A.S., The Book of Daniel in the Light of New Findings, BETL 106. Louvain: Leuven University/Peeters, 1993. Pp. 266–70. Literature

Labonté, G.G., "Genèse 41 et Daniel 2: Question d'origine," in Woude, A.S. van der, The Book of Daniel in the Light of New Findings, BETL 106. Louvain: Leuven University/Peeters, 1993. Pp. 271–84. Literature

Lipinski, Edward, "Les Sémites selon Gen 10, 21-30 et 1 Chr 1, 17-23." ZAH 6 (1993): 193–215. History Literature

Polak, F.H., "The Daniel Tales in Their Aramaic Literary Milieu," in Woude, A.S. van der, The Book of Daniel in the Light of New Findings, BETL 106. Louvain: Leuven University/Peeters, 1993. Pp. 249–65. Literature

Prinsloo, G.T. M., "Two Poems in a Sea of Prose: The Content and Context of Daniel 2.20-23 and 6.27-28." JSOT 59 (1993): 93–108. Literature

Richter, H.-F., "Daniel 4, 7-14: Beobachtungen und Erwägungen," in Woude, A.S. van der, The Book of Daniel in the Light of New Findings, BETL 106. Louvain: Leuven University/Peeters, 1993. Pp. 244–48. Literature

Woude, A.S. van der, "Die Doppelsprachigkeit des Buches Daniel," in Woude, A.S. van der, The Book of Daniel in the Light of New Findings, . Louvain: Leuven University/Peeters, 1993. Pp. 3–12. Literature

Grelot, Pierre, "Nabuchodonosor changé en bēte." VT 44 (1994): 10–17. Literature BADan

Norin, S., "Ein Aramäer, dem Umkommen nahe - Ein Kerntext der Forschung und Tradition." SJOT 8 (1994): 87–104. Literature

Meadowcroft, T.J., Aramaic Daniel and Greek Daniel: A Literary Comparison. JSOTSup 198. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1995. Literature

Parker, S.B., Stories in Scripture and Inscriptions: Comparative Studies on Narratives in Northwest Semitic Inscriptions and the Hebrew Bible. . New York / Oxford: Oxford University, 1997. Literature

Quack, J.F., "The Interaction of Egyptian and Aramaic Literature," in Lipshcits, O.//et al., Judah and Judeans in the Achaemenid Period: Negotiating Identity in an International Context. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2011. Pp. 375-401. Elephantine Literature

Merlo, P., "Literature," in Niehr, H., The Aramaeans in Ancient Syria, . Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2014. Pp. 109-126. OldAram Literature

Koller, A., "The Prayer of Nabonidus and the Lost Books: Reconstructing the Aramaic Library of the Persian Period," in Coleman, S.M.//Gross, A.D.//Litke, A.W., Mallephana Rabba: Aramaic Studies in Honor of Edward M. Cook, Perspective on Linguistics and Ancient Languages15. Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press, 2023. Pp. 115-38. Qumran Literature

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